Learning Something New

I just took the plunge and purchased a convertible Lenovo ideapad. It's super-awesome, but I'm having some learning curve issues with Windows 8. I've watched a couple of introductory videos... if I hadn't done that I'd be completely lost! I'm not sure the benefit of using all these apps, and there are things that I thought would be apps that aren't. Kind of odd.

Anyway... I promised myself that when I got this computer I'd do more writing. Not that my old computer was inadequate for writing. It was fine. But sometimes something new inspires you just because you want a new reason to use it. And I really really want to find a million reasons to make this crazy purchase worth it.

Something has occurred to me in the weeks (months?) since I last wrote. I'm not very introspective of late. When I don't make the effort to write often, I just let days and days go by without thinking about anything important. I come home from work, sit in front of the TV, and play games on the computer. Mind = completely blank. Sometimes that nice, but mostly it's just sad.

So as I learn this new operating system... this new way of doing things... this hopefully much-faster way of tracking our family lineage... I commit to writing. I was going to say "every day" but my little commitment turtle just tucked back into its shell at the thought of that. I'll just commit, but not to a schedule. :)
