What a Mess!

I was thinking about starting a group on Facebook for Descendants of Dr. Berry Wilson Gideon.

Then I thought, would it be easier to just create a website? Hmm. Lot of work.

Then I thought... wish there was a way to simplify this, but the simpler you get the less information you have.

Anyway.... all of that drove me to distraction and I started shopping/browsing for genealogy stuff. I thought it would be nice for me to display my tree somehow, so I started looking for family trees that are suitable for framing. They are very simplistic, and rightfully so since you have to fit it all on one page. But in the process I saw this amazing pictorial family tree. And thus the reason for the title of this post...

So if you have come across a frame-able family tree that you particularly like, I'd like to know about it. I think the photographic version is a little much. I'd like something that's pretty and includes several generations. I guess I could just make my own, huh?
