Bury or Burn?

I used to think I definitely wanted to be cremated when I die. It seems like it would be so much cheaper than a full-on burial. But the more I research genealogy, the more I think I should be buried somewhere. Not that anyone will really care, but what if someone a hundred or two hundred years from now is trying to find my birth and death dates? If I'm not buried anywhere, where do you put the marker? How will I have a catchy epitaph if there's no stone to put it on?

I should mention that recently I've spent a lot of time uploading tombstone images to www.findagrave.com - so I do have a good reason for thinking about these things.

I guess I'm just too vain. If I weren't, it shouldn't matter whether I'm buried or burned.

I was somebody.
Who, is no business
of yours. (Anonymous epitaph, Stowe, Vermont)


Anonymous said…
good epitaph...and who's to say you can't be cream-ated and have a tombstone too???